Karen Rohlf
This self-paced 5 module online course is for students of all disciplines and levels.
Transform the relationship with your horse.
More Harmony. More Understanding. More Fun.
Karen showed me how to connect from the heart...
[this course has] given me the knowledge, skills, and support I needed to create my dream life with horses, in a way that remains true to my values.
I also learned how to live better together [with my horses], so that we can find mutual balance, harmony, and happiness in all we do.
But most of all, I’ve learned how to connect from the heart with my horses, and for that I will be forever grateful!
- Claudelle P.
I was missing a BIG piece!
See how the Habits For Excellent Horsemanship helped a Grand Prix Jumper!
Every moment counts.
Learn how to maximize your existing routine to totally transform the partnership you have with your horse.
Your relationship with your horse begins when you start thinking about him, and your mindset affects every decision you make. You'll learn a different mindset around partnership, relaxation, communication, curiosity, sense of humor, clarity, timing, feel, and consistency vs variety that will permeate everything you do with your horse.
You'll be inspired by a new vision for your relationship with your horse. You will see demonstrations of how very simple, routine moments can be done in partnership, communication, and cooperation, instead of just in control. You'll see how your daily horse chores can be opportunities to take things to a whole other level.
You will learn simple exercises that yield tangible results. Many problems people have with their horses can be traced to very basic communication and trust issues. You'll learn simple yet powerful exercises. You'll also learn how to communicate with your horse so he can better understand you.
Exercises to improve your horse’s overall calmness and behavior
The secrets of communication & healthy boundaries
How to master your intention and body language
How to use small everyday moments like feeding, catching, leading, and going through gates to make global changes in your horse’s behavior
How to have a horse that arrives to his training sessions in a more cooperative state of mind
This is an online course with modules, videos, worksheets, and audio lessons. Everything is delivered in an order and format that is structured to give you maximum results.
Lifetime access to the materials: audio, video, and summary worksheets of all the lessons.
Live Q+A meetings 4 times a year (ongoing) -Get your questions answered and meet fellow students!
Downloadable recordings of all the live Q&A calls
Audios and Worksheets go in-depth into the 9 Habits. Create the mindset shift that will make the difference between just ‘doing an exercise’ and being able to get results in any moment with your horse.
It’s about doing basic things with excellence. Get inspired as I show you how good simple things can be. Learn how to incorporate the 9 habits into your daily routine and exactly what to look for in each moment.
You will have the intention/mindset from Module 1. You will have the vision from Module 2. Now I’ll make sure you have the skills. I will share the ‘secret sauce’ that will bring your vision to life with your horse. I explain exactly what I am doing and thinking to make these techniques work!
This module will prepare you for a ride you and your horse can both enjoy! Learn to exercise your horse on line in ways that encourage attentiveness and calmness. We'll also look at bridling, saddling, and mounting in a way that will set you up to start your ride in harmony.
This module will set you up for a great ride. Imagine if every ride started with your horse responsive to basic yields, and able to follow your focus! Imagine being able to flow between leading and following your horse until you truly share the movement. If you take the time to establish what is in this module, you and your horse will be set up for success in anything else you want to do with him!
Join our quarterly community coaching calls and get your questions answered by a real live person!
You get lifetime access to the course materials. Learn at your own pace. Downloadable Audios and Q+A Calls
View the course on your phone, tablet, or desktop, worldwide. Wherever you go, you can access the course materials!
Over 94% of students rated this program 4 or 5 out of 5, said it exceeded their expectations, that they made lasting improvements, and that they would confidently and enthusiastically recommend it to a friend.
Karen Rohlf
A new beginning:
My vision of Horsemanship is about building confidence and trust, creating better ways to communicate, and encouraging cooperation with each other. From there, anything is possible.
I've been creating virtual self-study resources since 2010, always with the goal to empower students like you with the concepts, knowledge, and most of all, the confidence to enjoy the process of learning to find harmony with horses.
This course is the beginning, the base, and the heart of all you will do with your horse. Whether you have an older retired horse or are competing at the highest levels, I know these techniques will make EVERYTHING better.
With thousands of students world-wide going through the program, I am confident this course can help you realize your dreams with your horse.
"Never underestimate the possibility for things to improve in ways you cannot yet imagine"
~Karen Rohlf
Things are about to get easier
Stop Struggling. Start enjoying. I'll teach you how.
I am absolutely loving what we are learning and developing!!!!
I keep thinking it must be a coincidence that literally every single day he is more relaxed under saddle, but I realize it’s not.
It’s the key ingredients we are learning through you!! Grateful!!!!
I would confidently and enthusiastically recommend it!